Blinkfyrar's business area ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) have become Blinkfyrar ITS AB.
Blinkfyrar becomes AB Blinkfyrar and Blinkfyrar ITS AB
Nordic Plastics Group, a major player in CNC-machining high-tech plastic components in
Scandinavia, is excited to announce its rebranding as Nordic Polytech Group, effective
2024-04-10. The change reflects the company's new direction to reach markets outside the
business field of polymers, such as plastic-metal alloys or even aluminum.
Blinkfyrar becomes AB Blinkfyrar and Blinkfyrar ITS AB
Söderbergföretagen’s Infrastructure business area has acquired Norway’s Aventi Group, further strengthening its presence in the Nordic market.
We are happy to announce that Mads Langvik takes over as CEO of Nätstations Alliansen.