Blinkfyrar's business area ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) have become Blinkfyrar ITS AB.
Blinkfyrar becomes AB Blinkfyrar and Blinkfyrar ITS AB
Söderbergföretagen acquires the vehicle care company SEAB, with five operating companies in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. The SEAB Group has 100 employees, a turnover of 400 MSEK, and promotes strong brands such as Turtle Wax, WD-40, Wunderbaum, Armor All, STP, Hammerite and Christ.
SEAB is the largest distributor of vehicle care products in the Nordic region. The SEAB group includes SEAB and Constant Clean in Sweden, Auto Care in Norway, and SEAB in Finland and Denmark. The group consists of strong brands for vehicles, homes and garages, and is also a leader in the field of carwash facilities.
– SEAB, the Nordic region's leading distributor of vehicle care products, is a well-run company and by developing the business, we see great opportunities. We will look after the potential of digitalisation to reach a broader target group, says Söderbergföretagen's CEO Mattias Sonnenfeld.
– I am happy that the acquirer is the family-owned Söderbergföretagen. They are focused on leading SEAB into the future and they see the opportunities with our strong brands, says Svante Landström, principal owner of SEAB.
About Söderbergföretagen
With the acquisition of SEAB, Söderbergföretagen have a turnover of more than SEK 1 billion and 410 employees. The group already includes the companies Nordic Plastics Group, Elisolation, Henjo, Blinkfyrar, ProVia, Blink Services and Focus Electronic.
Read more about Söderbergföretagen at:
For further information, please contact:
Mattias Sonnenfeld, CEO of Söderbergföretagen
tel. 070 - 654 88 73
Blinkfyrar becomes AB Blinkfyrar and Blinkfyrar ITS AB
Söderbergföretagen’s Infrastructure business area has acquired Norway’s Aventi Group, further strengthening its presence in the Nordic market.
We are happy to announce that Mads Langvik takes over as CEO of Nätstations Alliansen.